Tuesday, March 26, 2013

As time goes by

I've settled into my gig well enough over the past couple months. It pays well enough and doesn't conflict with my #1 PRIORITY, so all is WIN-WIN, right?

I read a quote attributed to Buddha that sums up my existence, but I'll sum it up as: "Contentment is fleeting when desired outcome is realized."

On many levels, I'm very satisfied, but yet there's that nagging thought that I could be doing better. I read my Dale Carnegie, and I am worry free. I suppose the hopeless feeling will pass, but after having been consumed by the job search for as long as I was, I'm beat. Moral victory in that I didn't quit, but I'm no where where I intended to be 5 or 10 years ago. I can accept it as my lot in life or I can just build upon it. I choose the latter option, but for the time being I'm in need of assessing where exactly I am and where I want to be and how I intend to get there.

So, I am officially back to getting regular wages, but I make roughly what I did in '07. I feel like David Janssen's character in The Fugitive, only my one-armed man is a full-time job that pays a living wage.

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