Saturday, May 26, 2012

Job Search sites from Job Center List

A few weeks ago, I decided to see what the "One Stop" had to offer with regards to job postings that I was not seeing, and I was told they had nothing beyond what is available on a three page list of links: Not sure how how old the sheet is, but just looking at the the first eight give an indication that it's a little dated.
      1. 4 Work                                                   
      2. America's Career Info Net                      
      3. America's Employers                              
      4. America's Job Bank                               
      5. Best Jobs U.S.A.                                   
      6. Brass Ring                                             
      7. Can Get It                                             
      8. The Career Builder Network                 
I  have enough searches in and sites that hire within my profession bookmarked that visiting these sites is a bit redundant, thus making my visit to the Job Center a waste of time for me.

I apply for jobs that I can do, and how to get interviewed. Most of the time, I'm either overqualified or not experienced enough in what they are looking to fill.

I had an interview yesterday for a position that is a perfect fit for my background and experience. I actually didn't apply for the job, but rather for a position posted a few weeks ago. I was under the impression I had a good chance of getting the job for which I applied, since I got called the business day after applying, but hadn't heard anything until the other position was posted.

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